About John's Project

House: South

Topic: Psychiatry

EQ: What are the best ways to becoming a successful psychiatrist?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blog 23: Interview 5

(1) What ideas do you have for your senior project and why?
  • their answer
I have 2 ideas
a) Alopecia-brother and sister are affected by it-emotionally and physically. 
b) Homelessness-How people become to the state of homelessness. Why they choose to be on streets rather than homelessness. 
  • What feedback did you offer when you heard the topic ideas?
a) I really like this. You will be working with your topic for an entire year, you might as well do it on something you are passionate about. Alopecia has had a direct affect on your family, so i would look into possible jobs that deal with the treatment or study of Alopecia 

b) It seems like you are interested in the psychological trends in homeless victims. Perhaps you can do research on possible professions such as psychologists or social workers that work in homeless shelters.

(2) What do you plan to do to complete the 10 hours of service learning (working with an expert) which is due prior to senior year starting?  Note: They also have to complete the 50 hours during the school year.
their answer:
a) Cosmetic aspect-where my sister get's her wigs. Emotional-nonprofit organization for Alopecia patients
b) Find a volunteer job at a homeless shelter.

What feedback did you offer them in response?
a) I don't really think that the wig shop would be a good place to get first hand experience with your topic. Anybody with any type of hair loss would go there, not just alopecia clients. I really like the non profit organization; i feel that you can get the best first-hand experience with the topic at-hand.

b) I was going to do an independent component at a homeless shelter (psychiatry). A huge percentage of the American homeless population suffer from some for of mental disorder, specifically schizophrenia. Since you are focusing on the psychological aspect of homelessness, i would definitely consider this option. Also, people working at homeless shelters are some of the kindest people you will ever meet. Their job is to help their community, and i think you will have an overall good experience with  this service learning task.

(3) What do you hope to see or expect to see when watching the class of 2012 present their two hour presentations?
  • their answer
I want to see passion, and to see people that know what they are talking about. I also want to see what a bad presentation looks like so i know what not to do next year.

  • What suggestions did give them regarding how they should approach watching the 2 hour presentations?  
Really pay attention to the quality of the presentation. Where they confident? Did they know what they were talking about? Also, look at their essential questions. That is a huge aspect of senior year. I didnt realize the importance of my essential question until midway through senior year. It's vital

(4) What questions do they have about senior project?  What additional recommendations would you give the 2013 student about senior project?  Be specific and note what you told them.
  • questions they had.
What are some components that i really have to worry about next year.
  • What additional recommendations did you give them?

Science fair: It's the first time you really work on a project alone in the last 4 years. It's tedious, as well as difficult. Also, you have to present in front of professional in the field. 

2-hour: Takes preparation. Only advice: just go up there and do it.

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